Kurt Reymers, Ph.D.
Curriculum Vita
Department of Social Sciences
205 Crawford Hall
State University of New York at Morrisville
Morrisville, NY 13408
O: (315) 684-6193
2004. University at Buffalo. Sociology
Dissertation: Communitarianism on the
Internet: An Ethnographic Analysis of the Usenet Newsgroup tpy2k, 1996-2004.
Chairs: Edwin H. Powell, Lionel S. Lewis
1995. University at Buffalo. Sociology
Thesis: Can Capitalism Be Caring? A Case
Study of Ben & Jerry's Inc. Chair: Edwin H. Powell
1990. Potsdam College, SUNY. Major: Sociology; Minor: Philosophy
Current Research Interests
research interests include topics at the intersection of cultural and
biological evolution, complexity theory, memetics, and the sociology of
knowledge, particularly where new technologies such as artificial intelligence
and robotics are involved.
Teaching Experience and Program Development
Professor, Department of Social
Sciences, State University of New York at Morrisville,
Teaching duties have included
Introduction to Sociology (SOCI101), Introduction to
(ANTH101), Social Problems (SOCI201), Urban Sociology (SOCI390),
Society and Behavior (SOCI270), Social Movements (SOCI360), The Values of
and Technology (STS 101), Investigating Cyberculture (STS316), Advanced
in STS (STS 401), STS Senior Seminar (STS 411).
Associate Professor, Department of
Social Sciences, State University of New York at Morrisville,
2009-2017 (Department Chair 2013-2016)
duties as above.
Co-developer, Science, Technology, and
Society Bachelor of Science degree program, 2007
Duties include overseeing
recruitment and marketing efforts, reviewing course offerings
relation to student need, scheduling STS classes, working across disciplinary
with other departments and technical concentrations , executing assessment
and five-year program reviews, and coordinating the annual STS
Program co-coordinator 2007-2012, Coordinator 2012-2014.
Assistant Professor, Department of
Social Sciences, State University of New York at Morrisville, 2002-2008
Teaching duties as above.
Instructor, Cazenovia College
Teaching duties included Introduction to Anthropology
(SB110), Summer 2011, 2013.
Instructor, University at Buffalo and
Millard Fillmore College, 1996-1999
Teaching duties included Individual and Society (SOC371),
Social Problems (SOC206),
Sociology, (SOC348), Sociology of City Life (SOC315), History of Sociological
Lecturer, State University of New York
at Geneseo
Teaching duties included Contemporary Social Theory (SOC301),
Fall 1996.
Cited Publications
(forthcoming). “The Value of Life: Resuscitation, Resurrection, and the Ethics
of De-Extinction.” Book chapter in Animals, Ethics, and Engineering, Jenny
Stanford Publishing, edited by Dr. Rosalyn Berne, University of Virginia,
Arlington. Forthcoming spring 2025.
“Chicken Killers or Bandwidth Patriots? A Case Study of Ethics in Virtual
Reality.” In Moral, Ethical, and Social
Dilemmas in the Age of Technology: Theories and Practice, Rocci Luppicini ed. IGI Global Express, February 2013.
2011. “Chicken Killers or Bandwidth Patriots? A Case Study of Ethics in Virtual
Reality.” International Journal of Technoethics, 2(3), 1-22. doi:10.4018/jte.2011070101
2010. “Why Virtual Worlds Matter.” Book review of Thomas Malaby’s “Making
Virtual Worlds: Linden Labs and Second Life,” Symbolic Interaction, Vol. 33, No. 4, Fall 2010, pp. 635-640.
“The Country and the Grassroots: Rural action for local control of energy
policy and development.” Theory In Action,
Vol. 1, No. 4, October 2008. Transformative Studies Institute: NY.
2004. "Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream, Inc.," in The Encyclopedia of Leadership, James MacGregor Burns, George R.
Goethals and Georgia J. Sorenson, eds., Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
2002. "Identity and the Internet: A symbolic interactionist perspective on
computer mediated social networks," in Proceedings
of the 3rd Annual Association of Internet Researchers Conference,
Maastricht, The Netherlands, October 2002.
1998. "The Discredit of Credit: A Study of Consumerism and Class." The Electronic Graduate Student Journal,
Redfeather Press, spring issue.
1998. "Telecommuting: On the Re-Integration of Work and Family." The Electronic Graduate Student Journal,
Redfeather Press, summer issue.
Participant and undergraduate student mentor, the Society for Social Study of
Science (4S) conference, Denver, Colorado, November 2015.
“A Comparison of Social Movements around Fracking and Power Transmission.” Presentation
at the Society for Social Study of Science (4S) conference, San Diego,
California, October 2013.
“A Comparison of Social Movements around Fracking and Power Transmission.” Presentation
at the New York State Sociological Association (NYSSA) conference, Medaille
College, Buffalo, New York, October 2013.
“Y2K: Ten Years After.” Paper presented at “Imagining the Worst,” Science,
Technology and Society Colloquium at Cornell University, April 19-21, 2013.
“Chicken Killers or Bandwidth Patriots?: Ethics in
Virtual Reality.” Poster presented at the New York State Sociological
Association (NYSSA) conference, SUNY Potsdam, Potsdam, New York, October 2012.
“Chicken Killers or Bandwidth Patriots?:
Accountability and Ethics in Virtual Reality”. Paper presented at the Society
for Social Study of Science (4S) conference, Cleveland, Ohio, November 2011.
Meeting participant. “Science and Technology Studies: The Next Twenty.
Conversations Within and Beyond the Field.” Harvard University, April 7-9,
“The New "AOL": Activism On-Line and the role of the Internet in
community organizing.” Paper presented at the Society for Social Study of
Science (4S) conference, Washington, D.C., October 2009.
“The Country and the Grassroots: Rural utility development and local control.”
Paper presented at the Society for Social Study of Science (4S) conference,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 2007.
“Eschatechnology: Computer Science, Religion and
Y2K.” Paper presented at the Society for the Social Study of Science (4S),
Vancouver, Canada, November 2006.
"Computer Networks as Community Networks: USENET as a Technological
Artifact." Paper presented at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute
conference "STS (Science, Technology and Society) (R)Evolutions,"
April 2005.
"Identity and the Internet: A symbolic interactionist perspective on
computer mediated social networks," presented to the 3rd Annual
Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR)
Conference, Maastricht, The Netherlands, October 2002.
"Cyberethnography and Y2K on the Internet." Paper presented at the
University at Buffalo sociology conference "Navigating Social
Spaces," March 2000.
"Identity and the Internet: A symbolic interactionist perspective on
computer mediated social networks." Paper presented at the University at
Buffalo sociology conference "Conflict and Community," March 1998.
Technical-Academic Experience
Created and maintain
website for Science, Technology and Society bachelor
degree, SUNY Morrisville, 2007-2012.
Faculty Web Design
Consultant and Computer Service Tech, SUNY Morrisville, 2002-2012.
Chief Web Designer
for SUNY Morrisville, 2001-2002, 2003-2004.
Produced companion
web site accompanying the book Selling the Lower East Side, 2000, by
Christopher Mele, University at Minnesota Press.
Created the
University at Buffalo Environment and Society Institute web site, 2000.
Managed the Johns
Hopkins University Department of Immunology website, 1999-2000.
Created the Roswell
Park Cancer Institute Department of Immunology website, 1998.
Created the
University at Buffalo Sociology Graduate Student Association web site.
General knowledge of
computer hardware construction and UNIX and Windows software operating systems.
Grants, Awards and Honors
Grant recipient,
Sheila Johnson Institute, $1500 for the 7th Science, Technology and Society
Symposium, “Monsters of Science and Technology,” Spring 2014.
SUNY Chancellor’s
Award for Excellence in Teaching, Spring 2013.
Grant recipient,
Sheila Johnson Institute, $5000 for the 5th annual Science, Technology and Society
Symposium, “Technomusia: Science, Technology and
Music,” Spring 2011.
Nominated for
Distinguished Faculty Award, SUNY Morrisville, 2010 and 2011.
“Building Bridges” Award, SUNY Morrisville, 2007.
WCVM Radio Staff
Recognition Award, 2002.
Carl C. Couch
Internet Research Award, presented at the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) conference, Maastricht, Netherlands, October 2002.
Jacob Javits
Fellowship, University at Buffalo, 1993-1997.
Professional Activities and Service
Computer Support Technician,
SUNY Morrisville School of Liberal Arts, 2002-2016
Advisory Board,
Interdisciplinary Studies program, SUNY Polytechnic-Utica, 2012-2017
Member, Omicron Delta
Kappa National Leadership Honor Society, inducted Spring 2012
Member, Citizens for
Safe Energy of Madison County, Hamilton , New York,
Editorial Review Board, International Journal of Technoethics,
Reviewer, National
Science Foundation, Science Technology & Society Program, 2010
Society for the
Social Studies of Science (4S) member 2006-2015
Association of
Internet Researchers member, 1999–2005, 2022-present
American Sociological
Association member since 1995-2001, 2007-present
SUNY Morrisville Committees,
Organizations and Service (representative list):
Promotion Committee, School of Liberal Arts, Science and Society (LASS)
2022-present, (Chair 2023), Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice Gen
Ed Committee
2022-present, Member, Institutional Development Awards Committee, UUP
2020-present, Senator for School of Liberal Arts, Science and Society (LASS), College
2013-2016, Chair, Department of Social Sciences
2013-2016, Student Affairs Committee, Recorder
2012-2013, Chair, Educational Technology Committee
2010-2012, Faculty Advisor, Music Club
2010-2011, Chair, Middle States Assessment Committee Working Group - Standard
2010, Cost Savings/Revenue Building Task Force – Scheduling Efficiencies
2008, Program Review Curriculum Committee, School of Liberal Arts
2008, President’s Sustainability Committee
2008-2009, Learning Communities Initiative Committee
2007, Faculty Congress Bachelor of Science Curriculum Committee
2007, Writing Across Curriculum Committee
2006, E-textbook Task Force 2005, Computerized Gradebook Ad-Hoc committee
2006-2010 MSC International Film Festival presenter
2003-2013, Various faculty search committees
2003-2009 Member, Faculty Congress
2003-2007, In-Lieu of Credit Faculty Committee